Monday, April 26, 2010

In the novel The Power and the Glory Graham Greene talks how when we stand for something we believe we must take risk. Both of the priest in the novel stuggle with the fact that life is worth living for when you know you do something right.
When the priest is running from the police he realizes he has nothing to lose yet he is the key for people to repent their sins. He is standing for what he believes and not hiding away like Padre Jose. Padre Jose was a priest who beilieved in something yet he doesnt stand to do anything about it. He is an example of those who believe but are to scared to try and take risk." It is the voice of Life that calls us to come, and learn."
The struggles in life are too great that we must stand firm and only hope that we are doing what is right. The priest goes to prison and he realizes that though he has been caught he knows that he has made a difference in the world. When God sent down Jesus to die for our sins he could've easily just said that he didn't want to die and gone away. But instead he stood firm for what he believes in and he took the punishment so that people would know to this day what he did for all.


  1. These are some good ideas, Joe. The only suggestions I would make would be to add more text evidence, possibly a quote, and to make one more conclusion sentance to tie things together. Besides that, you have a nice intro and some good sentances. Nice Job.

  2. Joe, I think this is a good piece but like Ryan said maybe try to use more text evidence. Also, please get rid of all the weird mouse things because its really annoyin when boxes and numbers are flying around while im trying to read you writing. However, your writing was good, Nice job.
