Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Pip's life

Pip's life at his house is terrible. He is treated badly by his sister Mrs. Joe. Pip is a young boy who's parents died and he lives with his sister and her husband. Mrs. Joe treats Pip like a ill mannered teenager though Pip is only an innocent boy with an imagination. Mr. Joe a blacksmith whowas apparently forced to mary Pip's sister because she forced him to is the only person who treats Pip good. Pip lives in a tragic world losing his parents and growing up under bad influences at home.


  1. I really like your sentence about Mrs. Joe treating Pip like a teenager. That's a good comparison. Your response is a little short, and I would have been nice if you could give examples of what Mrs. Joe does to him.

  2. I also like your statement of Mrs. Joe treating Pip like a teen. However, the sentence after that is a little redundant. You say that Joe was forced to marry her because she forced him to. But anyway, this is a really nice response.

    This isn't about your response, but I really like how you made the cursor a clock.
