Monday, April 12, 2010

In the novel Guliver's Travels the race of humans is tested to the limit. When Guliver goes to the land of the liliputans he is okay being their servant and doing work for them. When he comes to the land of theLuggnagg. he finds hhimself ready to answer questions about life and helping others in their ways to make the world better. Then he finds the true disgusting part when humans are given a chance to live forever they destroy it by doing things unimaginable. Then and there the hope of man kind has gone lower than the set bar that is the standard of living. Next he went to the land of the Glubdrubid were they gain power by cruel and wicked things. the crimes that destroy those who stand in their way of having more power. After all this Gulliver's ideas of the people were destroyed to nothing. Just dust in the midst of the true people that show life the way it is suppose to be.

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