Monday, January 11, 2010

In the novel Fahrenheit 451 Ray Bradbury talks how in this world we have freedom;; freedom of speech, freedom to do whatever we want. We don't have to listen to anyone as we are in control of what we do. In this novel the government takes control and makes it so the people are all happy in their little world. They do not know what is going outside their little happy lives. Guy Montag realizes this mistake and starts to take control of his own life as he starts hiding books and reading them. Sometimes to do what we think is right, we have to stand up for it, Even if it means standing up to those who intimidate you. " I don’t know anything anymore." (pg.18)the signifance of this quote is that Montag realizes that he is in a world were he doesn't know anything going on around him.


  1. I like the quote you put in your response and I also like some of the things that you said, but it seems like everything that you said we said in class. Maybe try to take what we discuss in class and take your own opinion on that, or say what that means to you. Also check your spelling and punctuation.

  2. I like the content of this. I disagree with Brad because I thought you had some unique ideas in there about standing up for yourself. I do think, though, that you could have combined some of your sentances. It would have made it smoother to read.

  3. I appreciate what both of these other students wrote. I would add that the spelling problems, and capitalization also diminish your message.
