Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The novel talks about how the world is filled with poverty and how some are almost treated as though non-existent.The first chapter in this novel describes how in china the people are treated. It seems as though the poor are non-existent and only the rich and famous are the important ones. When Wang ( a poor farmer who lives with his dad) goes into the city to get a wife that was a slave and that he has never seen before, he is worried that she will not like him and his father said if she is beautiful and cannot work on a farm that Wang should just come home. Wang's father was so mean when he would come home his father would yell at Wang and when he wasn't doing that he was complaining about life and how it was so bad for them. This starts of as tragedy and is switching back and forth between comedy and tragedy.


  1. I liked how you used a lot of text evidence to support your ideas. Maybe next time state what the title of the novel is. Also maybe try using dash construction instead of parenthesis. But it was a great response!

  2. I also liked how you used evidence from the book. Maybe next time you could say why you think it switched back and forth between comedy and tragedy.

  3. Joe... well what can I say... No I'm just kidding... I thought that it was a very good response. I liked how you showed how they were not important and only the rich was. I expescially liked when you used the word "non-extistent". Good Vocab! Anyways maybe next time you could work on saying the title of the book or maybe you could talk a little bit more on how his father always complained... Anyways... Great Job Joe!

  4. Joseph:) this was a good response. It showed that you have many useful thoughts and ideas that will help you understand this book. I liked how you said it was as though the poor people we non-existent and the rich and famous were important. I definitely agree with you.I agree with mona though on how mamybe next time you could give us your thoughts on why you think it is 2 modes. Overalll you did a good job.

  5. I thought that it was really good and it was good how you talked about what happened and why that happened. Maybe next time you could write a little more than just summary.

  6. I like how you say that people in poverty are so often looked over and not seen. But your conclusion didn't really relate to the topic you were addressing. Btw, China is capitalized and off has two f's:)

  7. Good response. I like your comparison of the rich to the poor in terms of their stand in the economy. One thing you could improve, is the parenthesis should have been commas instead because you are further clarifying Wang Lung. Over all though, you had some good points on Wang Lung's father.

  8. I liked in this response how you pointed out that his uncle almost comes off as a bad character, I didn't interperet it as that when I read it. One big thing I noticed was that you kind of went all over the place on this. You start out talking about how people are treated, then you talk about how Wang got a wife, and at the end you were talking about how is uncle is a jerk. Maybe next time you should focus on one point.
