Wednesday, December 16, 2009


shiny antiques,
shining brightly,
lighting up the room,
fragile gentle,
made to stay,
art of glass,
The bright stars,
Gleaming in the night,
Floating on nothing,
Looking down,
More stars,
Dreamily around,
Nothing to stand on,
Nothing around you but stars.

Monday, November 30, 2009

"Pip, dear old chap, life is made of ever so many partings welded together, and as I may say, one man's a blacksmith, one's a whitesmith, and one's a goldsmith, and one's a coppersmith. Diwisioins among such must come, and must be met as they come.'" (Pg. 222) In this quote Joe was explaining to Pip that life was going to be hard. Pip would have to work for what he wants and he must face the hardships in life that stand in his way. The struggle would be great. This is what Joe was trying to tell Pip as he would probably never see him again. Though we are happy and content our lives are filled with hardships and struggling to reach our goal.

In society there are classes of people determined by income. At the top there are rich, famous people who are all about money. At the opposite stream there are poor people struggling through life. But most people are simply earning money while we face the hardships in life as though we are walking in the road and there is a brick wall in front of us. We have to climb over the wall to keep going in life. The wall, our constant obstacle, is a Diwision between us. That's wat happened to Pip and Joe. That is a hardship that stopped us but somehow we got through it. It is as though the world is not a fair place for us.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Pip's life

Pip's life at his house is terrible. He is treated badly by his sister Mrs. Joe. Pip is a young boy who's parents died and he lives with his sister and her husband. Mrs. Joe treats Pip like a ill mannered teenager though Pip is only an innocent boy with an imagination. Mr. Joe a blacksmith whowas apparently forced to mary Pip's sister because she forced him to is the only person who treats Pip good. Pip lives in a tragic world losing his parents and growing up under bad influences at home.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Check out my veterans of foriegn war essay!!J:\Word\Language arts\Veterans Foreign.doc

Friday, October 16, 2009

Tuesday, October 6, 2009


No runons
Sentence structure
Not summarize
Text evidence
No parenthesis
Introducing the topic

Friday, October 2, 2009

Quotes: " This he did for the sheer joy he had in it, and not for any necesity, and when he was weary he lay down upon his land and he slept, and the healthof the earth spread into his flesh and he was healed of his sickness." (pg214)

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

In the novel The Good Earth there is an evil character who wants food and money from Wang Lung. His uncle forces him to give money because he is his relative. A relative should not be like this he is lazy. Wang's uncle is so lazy he does not take care of his crops and his wife is fat and they do not care for work. Wang works for his food and saves his money instead of spend it. One day when Wang was sitting in his house his uncle came and asked for money. Wang sent him away without a word. Now the city was dying from starvation and Wang's uncle saw this as an opportunity to get back at Wang. He told the city that Wang had a lot of food and he wouldn't share any and they should go take it for themselves.
This section of the novel describes how the people are in despair, in the tragic flaw willing to do anything even rob someone for food. Altogether this is a tragic symbol in the novel stating that even though we are good friends we can turn enemy sooner than our friendship first began.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The novel talks about how the world is filled with poverty and how some are almost treated as though non-existent.The first chapter in this novel describes how in china the people are treated. It seems as though the poor are non-existent and only the rich and famous are the important ones. When Wang ( a poor farmer who lives with his dad) goes into the city to get a wife that was a slave and that he has never seen before, he is worried that she will not like him and his father said if she is beautiful and cannot work on a farm that Wang should just come home. Wang's father was so mean when he would come home his father would yell at Wang and when he wasn't doing that he was complaining about life and how it was so bad for them. This starts of as tragedy and is switching back and forth between comedy and tragedy.

Thursday, September 17, 2009


  • Wrote in Old English language
  • Talks how the brave men that come to battle the demons.
  • Beowulf the Main character in the poem.
  • Talks about old ages like lord of the rings.
  • People thought that the Beowulf poet was not very good but once they read his poems he became a very popular man.
  • Poems:
  • The Last survivors speech
  • Beowulf and Grendel

Roman Empire collapse, Christianity fills the void

First PLAY ever recorded: One MAN- morale Play, all old English

Geoffrey Chaucer

Middle English

Church + common people ideas


Shakespeare- religion

Common people


Love of language/ symbol/sounds/drama

Builds a place called Globe theater

Beowulf, Original copy of poem

It may be that a trained scop dictated the work to a scribe or that the poet had become literate, probably educated at one of the monasteries that existed in England at the time, which could account for the Christian influences in what probably was originally a pagan poem. Whatever the method was, the excellence of the work implies that the final result was the product of one very talented poet.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Language Arts

In the short story "A Jury of her Peers", the main point that the author is getting to is that the men don' t give the woman the rights that they deserve. When Mr. Wright killed the canary that would sing with Minnie she became terrified of him. When Mr. Wright killed the bird he was taking Minnie Foster's wrights away to do what she wanted. Minne then killed Mr. Wright for fear of him killing her first. Except she killed him by hanging him so that he would feel the pain of the bird. In the time during this short story the woman didn't have many rights, they got to do very few things with their life. That is what the main point of this short story is.