Friday, June 4, 2010


As i walk through the forest seeing all its beauty i step on something hard. I pick it up and examine it. As i throw it I walk around the river bank searching for more of these things. The Joy and laughter of people filling the air rustling through the forest. the sky blue and trees all around. The water smashing over the rock as it holds against the current.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Authors note: the light stands for the path in life that we take. When we stray from that path we go into darkness which stands for those things that would ruin us. This poem is describing life and what happens when you stray from the light.

shining bright
the light that shines the path
the beauty of it all
the gleaming star
showing you
that none can prevail
as the darkness rises
the light fights back
the darkness strong
the stars last stand
and the sky's last song

Friday, May 21, 2010

In the novel The Curious Incident of the Dog In The Nighttime Mark Haddon is trying to say that when you believe in the thing that you love most you will do whatever you can to help that thing. Christopher is a teenage boy with autism that has a belief whenever he sees four red cars he will have a good day and when he sees four yellow cars he will have a bad day. Now weather this is true or not he believed in having order throughout his day and his responsibility was to believe in what he thought to be right. In life we all have good and bad days but is it our emotion that makes us believe we will have a bad day or the surroundings around us. The world filled with sin has the order to make your life miserable though you try and many get through the pain we have gone mad with power. Those who defy us the right to believe are those to scared to embrace it.

Monday, April 26, 2010

In the novel The Power and the Glory Graham Greene talks how when we stand for something we believe we must take risk. Both of the priest in the novel stuggle with the fact that life is worth living for when you know you do something right.
When the priest is running from the police he realizes he has nothing to lose yet he is the key for people to repent their sins. He is standing for what he believes and not hiding away like Padre Jose. Padre Jose was a priest who beilieved in something yet he doesnt stand to do anything about it. He is an example of those who believe but are to scared to try and take risk." It is the voice of Life that calls us to come, and learn."
The struggles in life are too great that we must stand firm and only hope that we are doing what is right. The priest goes to prison and he realizes that though he has been caught he knows that he has made a difference in the world. When God sent down Jesus to die for our sins he could've easily just said that he didn't want to die and gone away. But instead he stood firm for what he believes in and he took the punishment so that people would know to this day what he did for all.

Monday, April 12, 2010

In the novel Guliver's Travels the race of humans is tested to the limit. When Guliver goes to the land of the liliputans he is okay being their servant and doing work for them. When he comes to the land of theLuggnagg. he finds hhimself ready to answer questions about life and helping others in their ways to make the world better. Then he finds the true disgusting part when humans are given a chance to live forever they destroy it by doing things unimaginable. Then and there the hope of man kind has gone lower than the set bar that is the standard of living. Next he went to the land of the Glubdrubid were they gain power by cruel and wicked things. the crimes that destroy those who stand in their way of having more power. After all this Gulliver's ideas of the people were destroyed to nothing. Just dust in the midst of the true people that show life the way it is suppose to be.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Guliver's Travels

In the novel Guliver's Travels There are things that are meant for a purpose in life and those that are there for no actual reason. When Guliver comes to the island with 6 inch people he realizes that he has entered a world were people want to be the best. the Empror wants Guliver to help him take out his enemy's. During this time England and France were in a fight about power. England as the bigger countrty was able to over power the poor people of Scotland. Jonathan Swift is making fun of the idea that power means everything but really we are all equal and we have control over our own lives.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

words to know

Uncanny- Mysterious
Remorse- regret
Corrupt- dishonest
Abstract-difficult to understand